School Fridge Frame
Occasionally the school will send home important memos, pictures, permission slips, and in general things that you want to remember, but...

5 Ways to Deal with Back to School Jitters!
Even though kids have been back to school for a little while now, I think this advice can be saved and brought out - either for Back to...

Organization Station
This is more of a Back to School tip rather than a huge DIY. The kids brought home so many projects, permission slips, book orders,...

Apple A Day Pencil Jar
What a cute back to school teacher’s gift! Painted like an apple this cute pencil jar will be much loved and is super useful—just what I...

Reusable Writing Tablet
So, we have a Kindergartner, and a Pre-Schooler. When thinking about Back to School things to make, and things that our particular kids...

"In Pictures" Desk Organizer
Admittedly this is a DIY that is more than just for Back to School—but doesn’t everyone start off thinking about staying organized, new...

Colored Pencil Roll
This next Back to School DIY is great for more than just tossing into a pencil box or a back pack! Because it rolls up nice and small...