School Fridge Frame
Occasionally the school will send home important memos, pictures, permission slips, and in general things that you want to remember, but don't want to lose among the drawings, this is a good way to make something stand out and have an instant indicator of what it is. You can hang it with magnets as I did, or glue a ribbon on the back and hang it wherever. Don't want such a "large" frame? Use crayons and put in a school photo for a cute gift idea!

You Will Need:
* 12 New Pencils
* Glue (I used hot glue)
* Light weight cardboard (like an old cereal box)

Step One:
Glue pencils in alternating rows of three (make sure the erasers aren't all on the same end)

Step Two:
Trim the cardboard down around the frame

Step Three:
Hang using a couple of strong magnets and enjoy your new bulletin board!

Final Verdict? Easy 5 min DIY that makes hanging things on the fridge look much neater and stand out but in a cute way. I'd say it's worth the time, effort, and minimal cost!
Kid Friendly? Yes - have them use school glue or craft glue rather than hot glue and you can definitely let the kids create their own frames to use as a gift!
Tried! And Succeeded!