Apple A Day Pencil Jar
What a cute back to school teacher’s gift! Painted like an apple this cute pencil jar will be much loved and is super useful—just what I like in a DIY project! The kids can paint it so it’s truly student made, which means it’s a time saver for parents too!

You will need:
* Mason Jar with lid
* Red Paint
* Green Paint
* Pencils

Step One:
Paint the mason jar red, and the lid green

Step Two:
Put in brand new unsharpened No. 2 pencils. Viola—done!

Final Verdict? Cute! I can’t think of a single teacher who wouldn’t enjoy getting THIS type of apple!
Kid Friendly? Yes, let them paint it! The imperfections they create will just make them more charming!
TRieD! And Succeeded!