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Popsicle Stick Crafts

It’s June! School’s almost out for the summer, the kids will be home and ….gasp! BORED! But wait! This month’s theme should help! Popsicle stick crafts, how fitting! With two new crafts to pick from each week there is nothing to stop you from saying that you TRIED!

Popsicle stick crafts are a great inexpensive way to get started with any craft desires you may have. You can buy a bunch super cheap from crafts stores or online, or, you can buy popsicles for your kids and then clean the sticks once they are done eating them! One of these methods is certainly more fun than the other (hint, hint parents!).

Some of these crafts will be great for little hands or meant for the kiddos once completed, and some are definitely more adult in nature. Either way it will be lots of fun, so without further ado, let’s get started!

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