Candy Turkeys
The cute DIY can be a great way to assign seats at the kids (or even adults!) table, plus makes a cute favor that can go home after the dinner is over! Each turkey can hold a place card with the attendee's name. You can stuff these with any type of candy, but the chocolate coated candies work well here, especially if you use fall and harvest colors.

You Will Need:
* Brown tulle
* Pipe cleaners in orange, brown, yellow, and red
* Scissors
* Small rubber band
* Stick on googly eyes
* Candy

Step One:
Cut a square of tulle, about 6" long and fill with candy. Use the small (either clear or brown) rubber band to close it securely. I used a small piece of pipe cleaner and regret that because the candy started to fall out. Don't skimp - use a rubber band!

Step Two:
Cut your pipe cleaners into their desired lengths, I'm sorry but I didn't measure. I cut a brown pipe cleaner in half, used a full yellow pipe cleaner also cut in half, and cut a small piece of orange and red.

Step Three:
Curl down the top half of the brown pipe cleaner as pictured.

Step four:
Put the orange pipe cleaner through the brown to look like a beak.

Step five:
Wrap the red piece around the beak.

Step six:
Place the googly eyes on. If you don't have the stick on ones you can use hot glue.

Step seven:
Bend the yellow pipe cleaners to look like feet.

Step eight:
Stick all the pieces in the tulle, with the bunched tulle portion as the turkey "feathers". And that's all - you are done and can now use them to decorate your table!

Final Verdict? Cute and unexpected table place marker. Plus from start to finish each only took me a couple of mins, so it's an easy last minute DIY.
Kid Friendly? Potentially. I personally didn't try it, but I could see my kids helping with this. I surprised them by having a turkey sitting on their place mats when they woke up the next day. Aside from having to keep stopping Bubby from eating all the candies in the morning it was great!
Tried! And Succeeded!