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Winter Hat Ornaments

Handmade ornaments are one of the nicest gifts to give someone when you don't have a lot of money to spend. It's thoughtful, special, and shows the person you thought enough of them to put time and effort into making something they can cherish year after year. The great part about this DIY is that with one economy size skein of yarn and toilet paper rolls, you can make many many of these! So, let's get started!

You Will Need:

* Yarn

* Toilet Paper roll, cut to about an inch wide

* Scissors

Step One:

Cut your toilet paper roll into 1" pieces (eyeball it - I ended up cutting one roll into 4 pieces, so each piece was slightly larger than 1".

Step Two:

Cut your yarn - I measured each piece to be about 11". I did not count how many pieces I used - it was a lot.

Step Three:

Keep cutting - you need a lot!

Step Four:

Fold each piece of yarn in half and loop around the roll. Do this until the roll is completely covered.

Step Five:

This is what your roll should look like once finished - make sure you have one 11" piece of yarn left over.

Step Six:

Take all your dangling pieces, and push them through the center of your roll so that it looks like the picture below.

Step Seven:

Put a cotton ball in the hole - this will allow the hat to have it's rounded top. No cotton ball? 1/2 a tissue will also work.

Step Eight:

Tie off the top portion of the hat, leave the extra strings long.

Step Nine:

Trim your pompom to a nice even shape and tie off the extra long pieces into a loop for hanging - and that's it! You are ready to hang your ornament. Or! Make a bunch and create a winter hat garland!

Final Verdict? Minimal tools and skill required! Great DIY that is easier to make than it looks, anyone you make this for will be impressed!

Kid Friendly? Yes, if they have patience and good fine motor skills, you may need to help with finishing it off, but what a cute teacher gift!

Tried! And Succeeded!

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