My Art Hanger
I’ve seen variations of these at craft fairs everywhere. I’ve wanted to buy one badly, but I knew if I put my mind to it I could make one. My inspiration in the design for these is the pallet coaster crafts I’ve seen on Pinterest, I figured the execution was similar enough to make a sign.
This is another craft of necessity, the kids are constantly making me and hubby pictures and always want them hung up. I suppose we cultivated that behavior, we love their artwork! This now showcases it and will (hopefully) save us some refrigerator space.

You Will Need:
* 11 Popsicle Sticks
* 1 Clothespin
* 8” of Ribbon (I used 10” and it seems long)
* Various Decorations, the kids used stickers, you can use anything you want
* Hot Glue

Step One:
Lay out 9 popsicle sticks side by side, draw a line 3/4” from the bottom with hot glue, and lay one of the remaining popsicle sticks perpendicular across the line of glue. Repeat 3/4” from the top of the sticks.
I chose to reinforce with extra hot glue at this point, because I use a low temp version, and didn’t want to risk breakage with a heavier piece of art.

step Two:
Take your ribbon and hot glue to the pieces of popsicle stick that hangs over on each end. Make sure you hot glue on both sides of the stick and fold the ribbon around so that it still hangs well.
Flip over the sign and hot glue the clothespin in the middle, allow approximately 1” of the clothespin to hang from the bottom, this isn’t inherently necessary, but I personally liked the way it looked, so I went for it.

Step Three:
The fun part! Decorate however your heart desires! Bubby is fond of Mickey Mouse, and Boose loves all things hearts, flowers, rainbows, and anything girly. I took a colored permanent marker and wrote “My Art” at the top, though if I had to do it again, I’d probably get some cool stickers or stamps to do that part.
Once that’s done all that’s left is to hang them up and start featuring your child’s artwork—fun!

Final Verdict? Love the way these came out—highly highly (dare I say it again? Yes!) highly recommended!
Kid Friendly? Yes in certain parts. I let the kids use stickers to decorate their own, but the hot gluing, and hammering part should be left to teens and adults.
TRieD! And Succeeded!