Popsicle Stick Bookmarks (bonus craft!)
It’s no secret that I love to read. I constantly have my nose in one book or another. Right now I’m in two different book clubs at work and still love to pleasure read on top of it all. So I always need multiple bookmarks. These popsicle stick bookmarks are ridiculously easy, simple, and cheap. In fact, you won’t shed a tear if you happen to lose one, since they are so easy to make. But let’s be honest, they wont get lost—they are so cute your friends and family will be stealing them from you!

You Will Need:
* 1 Popsicle Stick
* Markers or paint for decorating

Step One:
Decorate your popsicle stick. Depending on your mode of decoration, allow plenty of time to dry. That’s it—all done! Enjoy your new bookmark!

Final Verdict? Make lots of these—give them as gifts inside a great book.
Kid Friendly? Definitely—and what a great way to cultivate a love for books by allowing them to decorate their own bookmark!
TRieD! And Succeeded!