Popsicle Stick Mobile
This popsicle stick craft came about when I was trying to find an alternate way to display some of the kids sun catchers. I love the sun catchers they can paint and make their own. You can find them pretty cheaply everywhere, but I specifically get the kids theirs from The Christmas Tree Shoppes, they are only $1 each and they have them all year long. We’ve got them for Christmas as ornaments, I’ve gotten some Easter themed ones, a couple of “water” themed ones that I hang in the bathroom, and recently some nice “all year round” themed ones that I wanted to hang in my craft room. So the mobile idea was born.

You Will Need:
* 2 Popsicle sticks
* Yarn, twine, or ribbon for hanging the sun catchers and to hang from ceiling
* Hot glue
* 4 lovely decorated sun catchers

Step One:
Cross your popsicle sticks so they make a + shape. Use a dot of hot glue to fasten them together. Wrap your yarn, twine, or string around several times (to reinforce the hold, plus it looks cool), and tie off in loop at the top. It doesn’t have to be perfect, it’s just a fun way to display something your kids made!

Step Two:
Tie your sun catchers off at varying lengths from the mobile, try to make sure you balance the weight appropriately. If desired, now would be a good time to reinforce your knots with a light dab of hot glue, or some super glue.
*You may see I have some notches in my sticks, I did this to keep the string in place. It’s optional, but if you do choose to do this, I used a craft knife and used a sawing motion to create the notches.

Step Three:
Hang from the chosen spot, sit back and enjoy!

Final Verdict? Tooting my own horn here a bit, but this was a great solution for wanting to hang some of the kids artwork, very quick and very easy!
Kid Friendly? Yes, in that the kids paint the sun catchers, everything else I would highly recommend tweens and up only.
TRieD! And Succeeded!