Fourth of July Wind Spinner
Happy 4th of July Everyone! Today is about celebrating our country and having fun, so we’ll stick to a quick kid friendly craft for today! This wind spinner was a craft that I needed to be 100% kid friendly. Boose (pronounced like “moose, but with a “B”) was having some trouble getting motivated to do her chores, so I promised her, once complete, she could do a craft. She takes after mommy because that was all the motivation she needed! The result was this really cute wind spinner that I love!

You will need:
* 2 White paper plates
* 1 Red Marker, 1 Blue Marker (you can use paint if you wish)
* Scissors
* Ribbon
* Tape

Step One:
Color one plate blue, color the other plate in red stripes, leaving the white of the plate open for the white stripes.
Cut into a spiral pattern.

Step Two:
Poke a hole in the top of each spiral and thread a small length of ribbon through (I did not measure, use the length you feel you need). Tape the ribbon loop closed.
Hang your red and white striped spiral on the base of your blue spiral.

Step Three:
Find the perfect spot outside to hang your spinner, watch as the breeze makes it dance!
Enjoy! Happy 4th of July!
Final Verdict? Cute craft, love the imperfectness of it because you know your kiddo made it the best they could!
Kid Friendly? Definitely! Safety scissors, markers, ribbon, and tape, all safe for the kids to make their own (for any occasion too!)
TRieD! And Succeeded!