Sponge Splash Toy
One sure way to beat the heat in July is to play with water, either by hitting a beach, pool, or having an old fashioned water balloon fight! But water balloons are tricky! You have to take a long time to fill them, sometimes they don’t pop on impact, and some kids (thinking of my Boose and Bubby) aren’t strong enough to throw them far. How about a reusable, squishy, soaky toy that’s easy to load up with water and packs a great soaking? That’s where the Sponge Splash Toy comes in!

You will need:
* Sponges in multi colors, each toy took three sponges
* Rubber bands

Step One:
Cut each sponge into four strips

Step Two:
Gather the sponges together and tie a rubber band around tightly. Fluff and arrange until you have a cute ball shape

Step Three:
Load up with water and get ready to play!

Final Verdict? Easy, cute, colorful, and fun!
Kid Friendly? Cutting through the sponges might require some adult hands, but picking out the sponges and rubber banding them together can work for the kids!
TRieD! And Succeeded!