Wood Slice Tic Tac Toe
“Mom! I’m bored!” You know you’ve heard it at least a few times by now. Create this cute critter game and keep the kids occupied (for a little while at least!) This classic tic tac toe game can be customized to whatever you’d like, don’t want to use bugs? How about tadpoles vs. turtles, or can never fail with the classic X vs O. Use your imagination, and have fun!

You will need:
* 10 Smooth Rocks
* 1 8—9” Oval Wood Slice
* Ruler
* Paint, assorted colors

Step One:
Paint your rocks, this was a two step process for us, the kids painted the base color and I came back and painted the detail. As you see paper plates are our best friends to contain paint mess.

Step Two:
While the rocks dry, grab your ruler to draw the tic tac toe lines on your wood slice, measure to make sure it’s even and use the ruler as a straight edge to make sure it’s straight. Draw or paint thick solid lines.

Step Three:
Play tic tac toe! If you play against your kids allow them to win at least once! (It’s hard I know!)

Final Verdict? Creative way to bring back a classic game. There is something to be said about having the kiddos play non electronic games!
Kid Friendly? Let them do the base painting, that’s what I did, Boose chose pink, Bubby painted the yellow. If they are older they can paint the stripes and dots. Adult supervision mandatory if you are cutting your own wood slice.
TRieD! And Succeeded!