Frisbee Target Game
Another super easy party hit! Frisbees are a summer staple and a great way to encourage kids to develop their hand eye coordination, or a fun way to get mom and dad to join in. Family competitions anyone?? Super cheap, super easy, and super quick. Here’s another great idea—no Frisbees around or budding football, baseball players? Use those instead of a Frisbee and encourage skill development!

You will need:
* A shower curtain or tarp
* Duct Tape
* Clothespins
* Yardstick, Marker, Scissors

Step One:
Cut out your shapes and duct tape around the edges. The point of the duct tape is to highlight the target.

Step Two:
Use a plain colored duct tape to create point values, and use a permanent marker to draw the numbers. (Cute kid feet not included!)

Step Three:
Hang up on a clothesline or something similar and have fun!

Final Verdict? Competitive? Want to teach the kids hand eye coordination? Make this! It’s a lot of fun!
Kid Friendly? Yes, if your kids are patient and can keep a ruler steady. They can help you pick out the shapes you use and the duct tape color.
TRieD! And Succeeded!