Snail Magnets
The craft section of department stores sometimes house really cute finds perfect for little kids and their imaginations. At Walmart the other day I found these really cute wood snails for 40 cents each! What a perfect little project!

You will need:
* Wood shapes
* Magnets
* Paint
* Glue

Step One:
Let the kids paint their masterpieces. Hint: it’s going to get messy, calm your inner neat freak (who knew I even HAD one?).

Step Two:
After you let them dry, glue magnets on the back. I wanted them strong so I put two magnets on each.

Step Three:
Find the perfect spot on the fridge and hang proudly!

Final Verdict? An excuse for the kids to use their paints, they had fun and are really proud of the new magnets. Plus they are useful, so this mom likes it!
Kid Friendly? Yes, if you are less patient (like me) you can hot glue the magnets on, or if you have patience let them use Elmer’s glue.
TRieD! And Succeeded!