Perler Puppy
This is a semi throwback craft to my childhood. I recall making these at arts and craft time during summer “camp”. Perler beads are rather inexpensive, and what is really nice is how quickly they come together. The wax paper is completely reusable as are the molds. Today we made a puppy, but we still have the molds for a cat, a fish, and just a square mold to make whatever we want!

You will need:
* Perler beads (found at any craft or dollar store)
* Peg board
* Wax paper
* Iron

Step One:
Decide what shape/design you want to make and fill up the peg board, be creative, be organized, or be silly!

Step Two:
Cover the filled peg board with the wax paper, be careful, you don’t want to knock out any of the beads!

Step Three:
Press a hot iron over the wax paper and melt the beads until you see the beads start to melt together.

Step Four:
Allow to cool then peel slowly off the peg board. Then use your imagination, use as backpack zipper pulls, Christmas tree ornaments, key chains, put a magnet on the back for fridge décor, or, if you are my daughter, give them to mommy to bring to work (I may or may not have a couple on my desk, ha!)

Final Verdict? Nice inexpensive kids craft, encourages patience, but beware! Pesky little brothers can pop up at any second and destroy the whole thing. Poor Boose had to start over twice!
Kid Friendly? Yes, if the child has patience to place all the little beads. Adult required for the iron portion.
TRieD! And Succeeded