Painted Pumpkin Bags
We are a few short days away from Halloween and the kids are extra excited! This completely kid friendly craft is a great way to keep them engaged without having to carve a pumpkin the hard way. It's still messy because of kids and paint but they have a lot of fun and is a good way for them to express themselves by making any face they want. The materials are cheap and may even be stuff you already have on hand! So without further ado - let's get started!

You Will Need:
* Brown Paper Lunch Bag
* Orange, Green, and Black paint
* Paint Brushes
* Filler (I used plastic shopping bags)
* Pipe Cleaner

Step One:
Paint the bottom 2/3 of the bag orange and let dry.

Step Two:
Paint the top 1/3 of the bag green (let some of the brown show through for pumpkin patch design). Let dry.

Step Three:
Wrap the pipe cleaner around the top of the bag and curl the ends so it looks kind of vine like.

Step Four:
Paint your desired jack-o-lantern face on it. Let dry and enjoy!

Final Verdict? Cute, cheap, lightweight, and all around a great thing for the kids. You can customize these as well - flip the bags upside down, paint it white with black eyes and then you have a ghost!
Kid Friendly? Very! The kids completely made this on their own with the exception of the pipe cleaners.
Tried! And Succeeded!