Chalkboard Plate
Getting things ready for Thanksgiving can be busy and stressful - so for today we'll do a super quick, but awesome way to show off your kitchen decor! If you have the time and materials you can create your own chalkboard plate, but I found a plain plate that was also a chalkboard at Hobby Lobby while browsing, so I took the cheater way out here!

You Will Need:
* Chalkboard plate (or old plate + chalkboard paint)
* Adhesive plate hanger, also from Hobby Lobby, make sure you get the appropriate size for your plate.
* Chalk

Step One:
Draw your design. I've said it time and again here, perfection is only in the eye of the beholder. There is no such thing! So, don't be shy, and best part? It's chalkboard, so if you hate it, you can erase it and try again!

Step Two:
Follow the directions for your adhesive plate hanger, the one I chose required you get it wet, let it sit for 4 - 7 mins and then let dry on the plate overnight.

Step Three:
Find the perfect place to hang and enjoy! I plan to erase our "give thanks" sentiment and put up a Christmas themed quote next month, and so on and so forth.

Final Verdict? Aside from drying time really quick and low maintenance DIY! People will see it and wonder..."where did you get that!"
Kid Friendly? Why not? Let them write a cute sentiment and give to Grandma and Grandpa - especially if they are always in the kitchen helping them bake!
Tried! And Succeeded!