Welcome September
Hi all! It's September and you know what that means! Back to school! That's right the kids are all back by now and that's what this...
Salt Dough Keepsakes
I’ve read about how easy salt dough was to make and to use as keepsakes, ornaments, garden décor, and more. So, I thought in order to...

Colorful Dandelions
One of the best things about being a mom of young kids during summer is the handpicked wildflowers that the kids always bring to me. ...

Musical Maracas
Today is such a Monday! The kids seem wound up and have limited patience and attention span. This calls for a 5 min craft! So, what do...

Perler Puppy
This is a semi throwback craft to my childhood. I recall making these at arts and craft time during summer “camp”. Perler beads are...

Snail Magnets
The craft section of department stores sometimes house really cute finds perfect for little kids and their imaginations. At Walmart the...

Yarn Star
A rainy day in calls for a craft that takes a little while to create but is simple to complete. Some of the things I like about this is...

Travel Chalk Board
So the kiddos are visiting Grandma and Pa C. for a few days, so today’s post is another one that’s for the kids, not by the kids. Say...

Stars in a Jar
This craft is not necessarily made BY the kids, but most definitely made FOR the kids! As many of you may know my handsome Bubby is on...

Kids crafts are always great fun. Special shout out to my really sweet new sister in law Nicole for finding these! Little known secret...